I wasn't sure what I was going to take a photo of today. I thought it would be cool if I could take a photo of Scott with his almost bald head but, since that wasn't gonna work, I had to come up with something else. I decided to take a photo of Abby in her gymnastics outfit. I have photos from her very first day of class and thought it might be neat to compare the two. I feel like she hasn't been taking lessons that long, but when I went back to find her old photos, I realized she was only three when she started. She looked like such a baby! What a difference between a 3 year old and a 5 year old!
Abby had her well child check up today. She kept telling me she didn't want to go and wondered why she had to go. She didn't throw a fit about going or anything, I think she was just curious why she had to go when she felt fine. The doctor we saw today was much better than the previous pediatrician we saw on base. She at least interacted with the kids even though she was running way behind and gave me a chance to ask questions. Abby made me laugh. When the doctor came in, Abby whispered in my ear "Momma, is she a boy or a girl?" I guess the short hair and uniform made it a bit confusing for her! I wanted to do a little shopping while I was on base, but the girls were getting hungry since it was so close to lunchtime and we headed back home instead. Abby went over to a friends house this afternoon. Mckenzie and I visited for awhile, but she was getting tired and cranky so we came back home to have a little rest time. Let me tell ya. Mckenzie was not happy about leaving Abby behind to play. She cried and cried. I put her shoes on to go and by the time I turned back around with her coat, she had her shoes off and was trying to run upstairs. I felt so bad making her leave. She loves to play with Abby and her friends, but I just knew she was too tired to stay. When Abby came home, we headed to gymnastics. Mckenzie was the only one in her class today and I could tell she was more tired out than usual. Abby worked on climbing the rope today. She is getting stronger! Abby wanted to go out to eat for dinner, but we came home and had some soup instead. A quick bath and then off to bed for the girls. Mckenzie fought a good fight again tonight, but it only lasted a little over an hour tonight. I realized tonight that taking away her stuffed animals at bedtime has become a game to her. I kissed Mckenzie goodnight, told her if she came out of her room, she would lose Dorothy and Wags and just a few minutes after leaving her room, she was out in the hallway, holding onto her stuffed animals with a big smile. Right then and there, I decided not to take them away because she had turned it into something fun. I just kept putting her back to bed every time she came out and finally, I shut her door. We have always shut her door since she was a tiny baby and lately, she has been asking to leave it open so I have been. I think it is too distracting for her because once I closed it, she settled down and went to sleep. Maybe it is just a one time thing, but I'm hoping I have stumbled onto something here.
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