I think this picture does well showing Abby's unique sense dressing!
Abby had school today and Mckenzie and I ran errands. Not a very exciting day around here. It was raining so we couldn't go outside so we had to play in the house again. We skyped with Scott this evening. It was a little later than normal since he had been playing poker and ended up winning the tournament. I am glad there are activities available that he likes to participate in! Dinner, bath and bed for the girls. I have been reading to both girls and then putting Mckenzie to bed so Abby and I can work on learning to read without any interruption. She really wants to be able to read, but she still has a hard time focusing on the words and not just on the pictures. She likes to guess what the book is going to say instead of actually sounding out the words. But, we are working on it and it is fun to see her small improvements.
Do you have any site word cards? Ben likes to "guess" what a book says by the pictures, but site he does better reading the site words because it is just the cards. Plus, they memorize those words that don't sound how they look. The reading thing is really exciting, isn't it. Like there is proof that those wheels are turning :) Delia on the other hand....poor girl...she needs to read something other than Pinkilicious!