Today was Mckenzie's first day of school. She is finally old enough to enroll in a program at Abby's school and we thought it would be a good idea to get her a little more socialized. She doesn't spend a lot of time away from me and it seems like she is ready to make that move. She cried, hard, when I left her but I know it is better to walk out of the room than to stick around. I asked Abby's teacher to keep an ear out for Mckenzie and give me a call if she thought I needed to come back. No call and I had two glorious hours all to myself! Very much needed! It sounds like Mckenzie did pretty well at school, only asking for her pacifier once (not getting it of course) but they did allow her to hold on to her bear for comfort. She was happy when I picked her up and I think it will be good for her to get out of the house a couple of days a week. It will also give Abby and I some one on one time when Mckenzie is in school on one of Abby's off days. Abby said she enjoyed school today too. She was hyper as always when I picked her up, although I think today was a little bit crazier since the kids had cookies and ice cream for a snack to celebrate a birthday! We had a playdate at Chick fil A with one of Abby's good friends. Mckenzie decided she is old enough to open her own ketchup and her once blue dress is now covered in red! Let's hope the oxiclean does it's magic once again! Mckenzie didn't want to play today, preferring to sit on my lap. Abby was so excited to play that she finished her meal in record time. Some days it has been taking nearly an hour to get the girls to eat, so it surprised me it only took a few minutes today! Abby threw a bit of a fit when it was time to leave today. She is generally pretty good, but today, she had the attitude of a pre-teen. I'm thinking she is missing Scott and is maybe acting out a little bit more than normal. Mckenzie fell asleep on the way home. She was so tired I was able to put her to bed without waking her up. Guess she is getting exhausted from all these nights of too little sleep! We got to Skype with Scott this afternoon. It is always so good to see him. It was a quiet night the rest of the day, well, not quiet as in little noise. Quiet as in we didn't do much. Dinner and off to bed. I started to get the girls ready for bed way earlier than normal and for some reason, I think it may have helped get them to bed tonight. As I am writing this, it is only a little after 8pm and I haven't heard a peep out of either of them for at least 10 minutes. I only had to put Mckenzie back into her room a handful of times tonight. She thought I was going to take away her stuffed animals, but each time I just placed her back in her bed, kissed her goodnight and left the room. Maybe that is what she needs. Or, maybe that is what works tonight. I guess only time will tell!
Abby was very cute with Mckenzie this morning. She was explaining to Mckenzie how she needed to listen to the teachers and what was going to happen throughout the day.
Sparkly shoes are a big hit here too!