
What a busy day~doctor's office and the commissary all in one day! (Ok, I realize that isn't a busy day, but lately for us, it is.) Took Abby in for her four year well check up and all was good. She didn't do the greatest on the eye exam, I am not sure if she was being bashful or not, but she wouldn't tell the nurse what she was seeing. So, Scott and I decided we should get her vision tested in 6 months or so, just to see if she was having difficulty seeing, or if it was just not understanding the directions clearly. Took Mckenzie in as well. She has a lump between her eye and nose and we wanted to get it checked out. Most likely a cyst. We just have to wait to see what the ENT tells us. I hope we can get in soon. I am not used to the whole referral, waiting thing that the military providers make you do. We only used civilian doctors in Florida and never had to wait for the insurance to tell us where to go. As you all know, I am not the most patient person, so we will see how cranky this waiting thing makes me:)
When Mckenzie was napping today, Abby decided that the floor needed mopping. She looked at me and said "This floor is sooooooooo dirty. I need to wipe it" So away she went, mopping my floor with paper towels for at least 30 minutes. And boy do those five little squares she washed over and over again look good!
I was tickling Mckenzie tonight and she looked me straight in the eyes with the most serious face and said "NO NO NO". Then she giggled and I knew she was looking for more!
Abby and Scott are out buying me a birthday gift. I called Scott's cell so I could talk to Abby, maybe fish a little for info... Abby got on the phone and I asked her where she had been and she said "I can't tell you, it's a prize!" That little bugger wouldn't tell me anything. Guess I will just have to wait!

1 comment:

  1. I hope they are getting you something good! He's out shopping early. Brent goes the day before and hopes he can find something suitable, but now days I just want some $$$ to stash. Hope all is well with the girls. It sucks waiting :(

