
Another day, another box unpacked! Slowly we are getting there. I still feel like it is a major mess around here, but soon enough it will come together. I think the worst thing for me is having to do all the daily chores on top of organizing everything. My plan today was just to throw/give away as much junk as I can. The kids have way too many toys, so it was easy to help eliminate some clutter upstairs. Lately I have been learning how different Abby's and Mckenzie's personalities really are. When Abby was little, all you had to do was tell her no and she listened to you. Mckenzie? You tell her no, she looks at you, smiles and says "No, no, no" while shaking her finger at you. Then she continues doing whatever it was she wasn't supposed to be doing. She loves to try to stand up in the shopping cart. I always forget to strap her in since I never did it with Abby, but these last few days of running errands with her, all she wants to do is get out of her seat! We ran to Lowe's after dinner and each kid wanted to ride in a cart. Abby wanted to ride right next to Mckenzie so they could hold hands. They both giggled so hard. Though not as hard as when we started driving crazy with the carts. The both just love it!  Thought I would put up our family pic we had taken in Florida before we moved. We are supposed to get a major snowstorm tonight and I am wishing we were still down there. Hard to believe how much the girls have grown since this picture was taken.

1 comment:

  1. YOu just freaked me out about CEU's for nursing. Thankfully, we don't need any in GA. Whew! Glad that things are shaping up around there. When you are finished, maybe you can come here and help me :)


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