
Mckenzie is such a little stinker! She decided to stick two peas up her nose at lunch. We got the first one out pretty easily and thought that was the end of it. We didn't realize there was a second pea stuck up there until she kept saying "nose, nose" and rubbing it. Got the flashlight out and low and behold, there was a second offender lodged way up! We tried everything from pepper to saline drops. Nothing was getting that little bugger out. We finally gave up. It wasn't impairing her breathing and Scott thought that maybe if we gave Mckenzie her pacifier, the pea would just fall out. He was right and we could finally put her down for her nap.  Abby never did anything like that so it was quite the experience for us! Abby never did a lot of things Mckenzie does. I wonder if Mckenzie does so many things she isn't supposed to just because she sees Abby doing them and it's ok for her to do them. I don't know. I just hope Mckenzie doesn't stick anything else up her nose.  We went to look for a TV stand for the guest bedroom and found one that will work. The we went to dinner at a diner. Someone at work told Scott you have to do the diner experience in New Jersey. I didn't get what was so great. It was just another family restaurant. Decent food, decent service. Mckenzie likes ranch dressing so much she dipped her whole hand in the container. What a mess. Normally she licks the ranch off whatever food she dips in it, but apparently that wasn't good enough tonight.  In the picture you can barely see Abby's head, but she cuddled up next to him during her rest time.  So sweet!

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