
I think I may have the sweetest daughter ever! Abby and I were talking at dinner and I told her she was special. She told me "That's because I came from you." Sweet! She made me cry right there in Red Lobster, felt like a fool, but whatever. I don't know those people. I just love this age. (I think I may say that about every age) She is really starting to put concepts together and has become very curious about everything. I really could do without all the "why momma?" questions all day long, but I realize how else is she going to learn if we don't teach her. She told me something (I can't remember what) that she knows now because she is 4. She said" I didn't know it when I was three, but I know now because I am 4". I did more unpacking today. Got the kids' bathroom in order, although it still looks odd with all that nasty brass/gold these people had in their house. Thankfully we are just renting or Scott would have a honey-do list a mile long. Mckenzie sat on the big girl potty today. Abby asked if Mckenzie could sit on the little potty while Abby went potty too. It was really cute to see them sitting in there together. Mckenzie just sat there and waited until Abby let her get up. Maybe I will just let Abby potty train Mckenzie. Hmmm.

1 comment:

  1. How unbelievably adorable is that (Abby's comment about being special)!
    I have heard its easier to potty train the second when you have an older child to help!! :)


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