
Who would think getting this toy out of the tunnel would be so scary? But for our Dakota,it must be very scary. She barked at it, swatted at me as if begging me to get it for her, and kept getting closer and then backing off. Of course I didn't get it for her, it was too funny to watch her. As I type, Scott is getting his butt kicked playing Wii. Does he have a friend over? No, Abby is officially whooping his butt in tennis. She just told him "You didn't win Daddy. I did. That's why I have sparkles over my name." He really is trying, but she is doing good. Mckenzie is really cranky tonight. I think I am going to put her to bed early. She is getting another molar in. Poor thing. I have been filling out the paperwork for Abby to go to preschool tomorrow. It has been wayyyy too much work. Since I have to volunteer in the classroom, I need to fill out paperwork to have a background check done. They want all my addresses since 1990! Seriously? I wasn't even in high school then. I hope I am remembering them right. Let's hope Abby's first day goes well.


  1. Hope Abby has a GREAT day at school tomorrow. I'm sure she'll love it!

  2. Dakota cracks me up, she loves that darn toy doesn't she!!!!???


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