
Monday, September 26, 2011

It was back to school for the girls this morning and Scott and I took advantage of our time alone and had a breakfast date. It was a little quiet but quiet in a good way :) I was the parent helper in Mckenzie's classroom today so I had to head back for snack and clean up duty. I love getting to spend time in the classroom with Mckenzie. Unfortunately, she gets pretty clingy when I am there, wanting to hug me, kiss me, always be near me. But, I do have to say she is less clingy than last year so that is an improvement. And, I know before too long, she probably won't want me hanging out with her in her class so I need to enjoy every moment with her now that I can. I got a major surprise today. Scott had ordered a new camera for me almost two months ago now, but it has been back ordered on many websites/stores and I had given up hope of actually getting it any time soon. But, when I checked the status of my order today, instead of saying "info sent to vendor", it said "shipped". I couldn't believe it. I screamed and I think Scott thought I was a little crazy since the last time I shouted like that was when I got my nursing license! Soon after checking the order, the doorbell rang and there she was. My Nikon D700 sitting on the doorstep, wrapped so beautifully in her cardboard box :) I think I am in love and I haven't even named her yet or played around with her. I would have, but the kids had friends over this afternoon and there wasn't time to start reading the manual. Mckenzie had meltdown after meltdown... Exhausting afternoon. We did run to Target to pick up a Compact Flash so I could try it out tonight. They didn't have much of a selection so I may end up buying another one, but at least this way, I can play around with her tonight. I am so excited!!!!! I took a picture of her before Scott left for his flight and again, I am pretty sure Scott thought I was a bit loony;-) But, he married me so that makes him crazier right?!

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