
Sunday, May 22, 2011

What a busy day. We didn't get moving in time for church so we went out to breakfast instead. As soon as we got finished with that, we ran home to change and Abby was off to a fairy princess birthday party and Mckenzie went to her gymnastics performance. She did great and it gave her a chance to show Scott how her skills have improved over the last few months. The only part she didn't like was the parachute which I can't say I blame her. All the kids sat in the center of it and then us moms had to walk it around in a circle. Mckenzie had never done it and there were a lot of kids. One of the kids fell on her and she just started crying and didn't stop until it was over. I felt horrible for her, but once she was off the parachute, she was happy again. Each child got a medal for participating and she was so proud of that medal. Me too:) Scott picked Abby up from her party and brought her back home to get ready for her gymnastics performance. She had fun at the party and even got her face painted! Abby did great at her performance, scoring as high as she could! I love how she constantly looked for us in the crowd and gave a wave and a smile. She got a medal too and was very proud of her very first medal ever!!!! We decided to run by the grocery store after Abby was done. Mckenzie fell asleep in the car so Abby and I went in to shop while Scott and M stayed in the car. I didn't think we were gone very long, but it was long enough for Scott to almost fall asleep too (poor guy is still adjusting to the time change)! We picked up some Salad Works on the way home (yep, we just did major grocery shopping and then ate out!) and the girls had some cold cereal. It was a busy day so I thought we could get away with putting the girls to sleep a little early, but that didn't work out so well. They may have been in bed, but we had to go into their rooms every five minutes or so. At least we could take turns. Have I mentioned yet how happy I am to have the worlds greatest Daddy/husband back home yet? Cuz, I'm kind of happy about it ;-)



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