
Ok, it's officially Christmas, so Merry Christmas today! We woke the girls up because they slept in. We all came downstairs together to see what Santa had left for us. Boy was he good to the girls! Mckenzie got a quad wheeler to ride around and Abby got a camper for her Barbie dolls, plus a bunch of other little things. Both girls were very excited for their gifts. Abby was a little disappointed at first that she didn't get a new car to ride, but once she realized she had new Barbies and a camper, she was over it! It was so fun to watch the girls dig through their stockings. Oh, I think their favorite Santa gift may have been the harmonica. Not sure what Santa was thinking when he sent that along! I made an egg bake for breakfast and it turned out pretty darn tasty and it was a great way to use up some of that ham we had for dinner. We spent the day in the house, playing with all the new toys. Scott bought me a popcorn popper so I ran to the store to pick up some popcorn. Good thing Walgreen's was open! So, we had popcorn and watched Toy Story 3 tonight. Both girls really enjoyed watching it. Great family night!

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