
Ah, what a day. A very early start at a little after 3 to get to the airport on time. It's a good thing we got going so early, because we just made it to the gate in time to board the plane. We had to find a gas station open so early in the morning to fill the rental car and the one Scott anticipated on being open wasn't. Luckily, we didn't have to drive too long to find an open one. Once we got to the airport and checked in, the baggage lady was a real stickler for the 50 pound rule and told us we would have to pay $90 for our 51 pound bag. Yep, one pound over and she was going to make us pay. Crazy. On the way out, our bags were all over and they didn't say anything. I guess some places have more to do than nag over one pound. So, we decided to check another bag, but we had to get that bag out of the suitcase that she had already sent back to be loaded. We waited quite awhile before she got around to getting it for us and we just made it to the gate in time to load. I was a little nervous we weren't going to be able to sit together since we had four seats scattered around the plane. Luckily, there were some very nice people that moved to make it possible for Scott and I to sit by the girls! The girls were tired and cranky and I don't blame them. They were up late last night and had to be up before the crack of dawn. Mckenzie didn't even wake up until after she was dressed and in her car seat! Mckenzie finally fell asleep at the end of the flight to Minneapolis and she was drowsy the rest of the day. When we boarded the flight to Philly, she was super cranky and crying as we boarded. As we walked down the aisle to our seats, you could see the dread on people's faces as we walked near them. No one wants to sit next to a cranky, crying child. So, I bribed her with some Mike and Ike's. That calmed her down until they could start watching the Wiggles. Once her movie started, she was asleep within minutes and didn't wake until we landed. The flight attendants were great and didn't make us put her back into her seat. Scott just held her as we landed. Abby did pretty good on both flights, only getting a little cranky when she didn't get her way. She did cry when I had to switch seats with Scott so I could sit with Mckenzie because she needed her momma, but otherwise, she was good. Thank goodness. I don't think I could have handled both of them being cranky at the same time! The drive home was quick and easy and it was so nice to walk in the door to our house. I love visiting family, but I also love being at home. I cannot wait to sleep in our own bed tonight. We all fell asleep on the couch after lunch. Kind of nice to have a couch big enough we can all stretch out on! Abby woke me up asking when we could get Dakota, so I got in the shower and got ready to pick her up from the kennel. Dakota was so excited to see me and I was excited to see her too! She didn't want to get in the truck though, so I had to lift her up in the truck. I'm sure that was quite the site if anyone was watching! Then, she tried to escape the truck when I opened the driver's door and she ended up laying on my lap the whole ride home. She is NOT a lap dog and driving was difficult! The girls were so happy to see the dog when we got home. Scott gave the girls a quick shower and we headed out to the grocery store. Not a fun trip. The girls didn't want to sit in the cart and I wasn't in the mood to let them wander. Even though we picked up groceries, it was so late that we stopped at the Subway to get dinner. They must have had the 'D' team working because it took forever and the sandwiches were not the best. Mckenzie fell asleep in the car waiting for Scott to come back with the sandwiches and she was not happy to be woken up. But, dinner is over and the girls are in bed. I am hoping tomorrow is a better day as we get back to our normal routine. I have lots of days to blog about, but I am way to lazy and tired to do that now. Maybe tomorrow or the next day. But, if I don't get around to it, we had a great time visiting our families and sharing in their special events. Thanks for letting us be a part of your important events!

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