
Today was filled with laundry, laundry, and more laundry. I don't want to go to bed now because it is filled with all the clothes I never got around to folding today... I took the girls to Chick fil A for lunch today and they had a blast playing with a couple of other kids there. I wish it were only so easy to make friends as an adult as it is for many kids. Then we ran a couple errands before heading home. Mckenzie had a complete meltdown in the grocery store checkout line because she dropped her paci and I wouldn't give it back to her. She was tired as it was her normal nap time and she was not happy I didn't just wipe her paci off and give it back. At least the customer in line behind me was very nice during the whole thing and even mentioned how someday I will look back and miss days like today. I'm not sure I will ever miss loud meltdowns in public... Mckenzie fell asleep on the way home, so I guess technically she did get a nap in today, but it wasn't long enough to keep her awake at bedtime. We played outside for a bit before supper. Abby just loves to kick around the soccer ball. Mckenzie was just happy to pick up leaves and twigs that have blown off the trees. I finally got around to trimming the bushes in front of the house. I have been wanting Scott to do it all summer, but I couldn't take it anymore and did it myself. I just had to pretend there weren't any bugs or spiders crawling around on my toes as I reached over around the bushes to get to the ones in the back. I gave the girls a quick bath and dinner and set them up in the playroom to watch a movie. I had a preschool board meeting tonight at the house. The girls did pretty good entertaining themselves. I think the dog was more misbehaved than both girls put together. She was pushy with the other ladies and even barked at people a couple of times for attention. What a crazy dog! I didn't get any pictures today. Maybe tomorrow I will be better...

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