
Another birthday party today. This one was a soccer party and it was a lot of fun. Abby really enjoyed running after the ball even though she wasn't the fastest one out there. She even commented to me about being slower than the other kids. I think maybe I should get her started in soccer or some other sport she has to run around in to give her more confidence when it comes to things like that. After pizza and cupcakes, the kids got to play in a play area with slides and stairs. Abby and her friend Sophia had a blast running around together and it was a little hard to round them up when it was time to go. Abby asked if she could eat one of her goodie bag treats on the way home and since she didn't eat her cupcake, I said sure. Well, she tried gobstoppers for the first time and told me how much she liked them. When we got home, I opened her door and she handed me a whole handful of half eaten gobstoppers. Apparently she didn't know how to eat them and thought that all you do was suck on them for a little bit then spit them out. Guess I should have been a little more detailed when I told her not to bite them because they are so hard they could break her teeth! Mckenzie and Scott spent the morning coloring while we were out. Mostly Mckenzie colored her body, namely her belly and arm pits. Scott said she was a green mess when he went to get her out of her chair! Oh, I forgot to write that the girls had their first sleepover last night. It started out with Mckenzie wanting to sleep in Abby's room, but that didn't work and so I ended up putting Mckenzie in her own bed. Abby thought that they were both moving to Mckenzie's room for the night so while I was getting M into her bed, she brought her sleeping back and pillow pet on over. She looked so cute snuggled up on the floor I couldn't say no. So, I gave them one last chance to settle down and go to sleep and they did.

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