
Abby had a dentist appointment this morning and while we were getting ready, the office called and asked us if we could come in a little earlier since another patient really needed to come in later. I said sure why not and rushed to get the girls ready.  Mckenize ended up eating breakfast in the car because she is one of the slowest eaters I know. She takes a bite, plays, takes another bite, does something else. If we let her, she would probably eat all day long. Abby did great at the dentist and I was pleased with the dentist and staff. Everyone was super welcoming and it wasn't a problem that I brought Mckenzie with into the exam room. Abby never whined once while we were in the office and that was a miracle! It was the little things that made it a good visit. The sunglasses so the light wasn't too bright while Abby was getting her teeth cleaned, the way the hygenist explained things to Abby first, the way the dentist played with Abby and Mckenzie before starting her exam. Oh, and the balloon animals when the appt was over! Abby got a ladybug that fit on her arm and Mckenzie got a giraffe. Unfortunately, Abby needs a couple of fillings, so we will go back for that in September. Since the girls were both so well behaved, I took them to the mall for a treat. First a little shopping, then lunch at the mall with ice cream to follow! We got home and it was time for Mckenzie's nap. I think she is really wishing she didn't have to take naps anymore, because she has started telling me no and running away from me. Luckily as soon as I leave her room, her protests stop, but I am guessing nap time will be over soon. Abby got out the Little People again and had a great time playing with them. We ran more errands this afternoon (I finally paid Abby's tuition for school. I guess it wouldn't look very good if a board member was delinquent on tuition!) and played outside until Scott got home from work. I didn't feel like cooking so we went to the restaurant down the street. Abby asked to have wings for dinner as soon as we got into the restaurant. I guess she remembers we have had them there before and really liked them. We got home and realized we forgot the girl's purse at the restaurant so I ran back to get it while Scott did baths! Got my new lens for my camera today. I think I am going to enjoy it a lot. The girls weren't very cooperative, but tomorrow is always another day. I also ordered some filters, but they won't be here until next week. I am hoping these things will help me improve my photography. That and a lot of practice!

1 comment:

  1. I think Delia can beat McKenzie as the slowest eater. The girl could graze all day. She ends up eating in the car most days!


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