
Happy Birthday Mckenzie Grace!

Our baby is now two years old! Where did the time go? When I think about her, I always think of her as my baby, but when I look at Mckenzie, I see a vibrant, busy toddler! I remember the night she was born like it was yesterday. I remember the excitement of meeting our new blessing. I remember wondering what she would look like and smell like and what kind of personality she would have. I even wondered what we would name her. Then we got to meet her and it was as amazing as I had anticipated. Mckenzie was perfect in every way and I was honored to be her mom. I always worried about how I would find room in my heart to love a second child as much as a first, but once I held Mckenzie in my arms, I knew that I would never wonder that again. With each child, your heart grows!
Somehow we had been blessed with two of the world's most perfect little girls! I thank God every day for our amazing blessings. I don't understand why we have been so blessed, I am just thankful we have been chosen to be parents to not just one child, but two! Thank you Mckenzie Grace for joining our family two years ago. You have made our lives more interesting and blessed than I could have ever imagined. We love you with our whole hearts!

We had a great day. Scott had an early local flight this morning so it was just us girls. We had some breakfast while the housekeepers were cleaning the upstairs and then we headed upstairs to play in the play room. Well, that was my intention, but the girls decided they wanted to play in my room instead. Abby and I watched a movie during nap, or I should say she did and I fell asleep. I didn't get to bed until 2:30 because I was working on Mckenzie's cake and then I just couldn't fall asleep knowing in just a little bit I would have to wake up anyway to give Mckenzie her medicine. Abby woke me up after the movie was over so we could play trains together. I finally woke Mckenzie up a little before 4pm so I could get the girls a bath before Scott got home. I put Mckenzie in her birthday outfit and dressed Abby in her tutu as well and then I let the kids go outside under the ruse they could play, but I really wanted to get some photos of them in their tutus. They both looked absolutely, positively adorable in their tutus! I got some decent photos of the girls, but neither one wanted to walk barefoot in the grass or put on shoes. We did end up in a couple of our neighbors' yards to take pictures. One yard had such beautiful flowers with a nice white fence and the other has a pathway that I love! Scott got home and helped me get a few more photos. Mckenzie hardly smiles for me, but she will give Scott the biggest one out there. At one point Abby got so tired of me snapping pictures that she told me I had two pictures left and she was done. I tried to get a few more, but she gently reminded me that she was only taking two. We had Mckenzie's favorite for dinner. Pasta with butter. She just loves it, although tonight she preferred to pretend she was a dog and get a few bites every now and then instead of eating. We opened presents after dinner and Mckenzie was so excited with all her new toys, especially her new trike! We played for awhile and then had some cake and ice cream. Mckenzie grabbed one of the monkey's legs and ate a little frosting off of it, but she preferred her vanilla ice cream and needed a second scoop even! Abby insisted on having part of the monkey's face. What I really think she wanted was the eyes and mouth, but she settled for one eye. We played for a little bit more before putting the girls to bed. It was an amazing day and I am so thankful to be blessed with two beautiful, healthy, amazing girls.

1 comment:

  1. Cute little tutus! You should frame picture of Abby running ahead of McKenzie! Adorable!


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