
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Abby had a good day at school and made carrot cake in her chef class, which she didn't like. I'm guessing she didn't like it because there were raisins in it. Mckenzie and I hung out at the house today, not getting much accomplished. We played outside for a bit this afternoon and one of our trees is in full bloom and is absolutely gorgeous! I am looking forward to the tree in the backyard blooming as well and I saw a few buds on it today, so it shouldn't be long now! The kids rode bike today, but Abby refused to ride her own, instead she rode Mckenzie's trike. At first she told me she was riding the trike because it has a bell and her bike doesn't, but she finally confessed that she doesn't like her bike because it is wobbly and she is afraid she is going to fall. I couldn't even get her on it if I stood next to her. I'm wondering what she will ride next week when she has her trike-a-thon for school! Mckenzie wanted to play ball again today and even though she never actually hit the ball, she had a blast! Abby asked to move her bed this afternoon, so we did a little furniture rearranging up there. Abby told me she wished Daddy was here because he is so big and strong. Mckenzie fell asleep while we were doing that and she was a real grumpy gus when I woke her for dinner. But, on a good note, she managed to go the entire day without her pacifier!!!! It wasn't easy by any means, but we made it. She was so excited when she got her purple paci at bedtime. Her whole face lit up! I'm hoping this is the start of a new trend and I can get her to only using the paci at bedtime!

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