
I am linking up with Courtney over at Click it up a Notch for her monthly photo challenge. I had a couple of different pictures in mind, but I finally settled on this one.
004 Mckenzie I just love M's smile in this photo. She is such a goofy girl when it comes to having her picture taken. She really likes to pose, but only holds it for a second and is on to another. Usually it is some sort of dance pose. That girl loves to dance. But I digress.
Click It Up A Notch


  1. Sounds like my guy. Makes picture taking very difficult! :-/ This photo is sharp as a tack, as usual. You must be a human tripod!

  2. Oh she is so sweet- love those curls!

  3. I love the soft light in this image! She is adorable with great eye contact and catchlights! So sharp!!

