
Monday, March 21, 2011

Woke up to rain this morning and a little one in the bed with me. It took a little while to get the girls out the door this morning because we had to round up all the rain gear. Boots, umbrellas, raincoats. Most definitely needed for the light rain that was falling outside! I forgot to put shoes in Abby's basket so she had to wear her boots all day. Oops. Didn't seem to bother her though. I had a dental cleaning this morning and Mckenzie was really good. She stayed in the play area while I had my teeth cleaned. The receptionist keeps an eye on your kids for you and they also give you a video monitor so you can watch them as well. It was fun to watch Mckenzie. She apparently wanted something that was out of her reach so she stacked two chairs to try to get it. She did check to see if it was wobbly before climbing on it and since it was very unsteady, she took the chair down and just climbed on the one. Mckenzie and I had a little date to Chick fil A today. It was fun, but Mckenzie didn't want to play (I think she missed having Abby to run around with). She fell asleep on the way home and I let her sleep for a few minutes before we had to pick Abby up from school. We skyped with Scott tonight. It was nice to get to see him. All is going well with him. Sounds like he had a busy day and missed out on the Monday poker tournament. We played outside for a bit before dinner. Abby was happy to ride her jeep. She let go of the steering wheel and just giggle. Mckenzie decided she wanted to drive the jeep and she isn't a very good driver yet. She doesn't understand that she has to steer so all she does is go in circles, getting very close to the curb and my car! I finally talked her into driving her own little bike that she does know how to steer. The girls had fun playing in bubbles today. There was no wind and so the bubbles all landed in a huge pile which the girls had fun running through. Needless to say, we emptied an entire bottle of bubbles today because it was so much fun! I ended up laying down with Mckenzie tonight in order for her to fall asleep. She asked me to lay with her and then she told me how much she missed her daddy. Just couldn't say no to that!
The girls were not sharing today so I put them in time out together and made them hold hands and look at each other.

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